Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

E-Dental Mart is proud of the global reputation and trust it has earned throughout the last two Decades. This is a reputation that we are determined to protect and enhance. Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct sets forth our guiding principles for the conduct of our business that must be followed by everyone who does business on the behalf of E-Dental Mart.

All employees, agents, consultants, suppliers, independent contractors and representatives of E-Dental Mart have the responsibility to read, understand, and abide by the principles and standards contained in this Code. Acting with integrity and the highest ethical standards is not only good policy, it is also good business.

Business Ethics Reporting Helpline

E-Dental Mart encourages all associates, as well as its customers, vendors, and distributors to promptly report any situation they believe raises any ethical or legal concerns regarding the conduct of our business or of our associates. Such concerns may constitute a violation of our Code of Conduct and Ethics or of other company policies and E-Dental Mart takes any such reports seriously. Anonymous reports may be made by phone, web reporting or letter.

Distributor Code of Conduct

E-Dental Mart’s Business Partner Code of Conduct reaffirms our commitment to the development of relationships based on integrity by outlining what we expect from our distributors business partners, and what our distributors can expect from us. It identifies our core values, and the socially responsible ethical principles that guide our work and how we conduct business, and further serves as a complement to the E-Dental Mart Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.